Joey Reams
Born in San Diego, Joey moved to San Francisco to study Music Journalism at San Francisco State University. There he worked for several publications, such as The Culture Room and RIFF Magazine. One of his proudest positions was being the News Assignment Editor for Pasadena Now, a local magazine with a quarter-million monthly readers. Today, he continues to work as a freelance journalist, offering his services to multiple platforms.
Favorite Artists: Death Cab for Cutie, Vampire Weekend, Modest Mouse, and Nirvana
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Samantha Eddy
Samantha Eddy is a college student from West Virginia who enjoys music, writing, and everything in between! She first fell in love with music when she began learning how to play guitar. Through learning guitar, she came to appreciate music composition and the creative freedom behind developing a song. She likes that music can help people deal with their emotions and find peace.
Favorite Artists: Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Weezer
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Andrea Lara
Andrea Lara is a content writer from Las Cruces, NM. She enjoys music and specifically, indie music for its free spiritedness and use of expressing ones self.