Ian Sweet has surprised fans with a new cover of Coldplay’s “Yellow,” along with a music video directed by Will Duncan. The video shows Ian Sweet, otherwise known as Jilian Medford, walking along a beach in a replica of Coldplay’s music video for the single back in 2011. A decade later and the Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter is paying homage to one of their favorite bands. Sweet’s third studio album, Show Me How You Disappear, was released earlier this month.
“I’ve seen Coldplay live six times,” Ian Sweet said in a statement. “Parachutes was the first CD I ever rented from the library, and it changed my life. I owe a lot of who I am and the way I write and perform music to Coldplay. I wanted to cover ‘Yellow’ because it is my go-to karaoke song, love song, breakup song, feel-good song…. It’s everything.”